Tuesday, May 22, 2012

21 May - Cape Capricorn to Great Keppel Island

Now, this is the type of sailing day which I really like.

Sail fast and comfortably for the morning.  Then anchor and play for the afternoon.  Wish they would place the anchorages in more evenly strategic positions up and down the coast.

Was a lovely sail today.  Poled out the headsail again and achieved an average or 7 knots. 

Interesting sail today - sailed amongst lots of islands and rocks

Great Keppel Island, the bay just before where we anchored.  Filled with boats from all over the world.

Great Keppell Island sunset

One of the isands, or was this a rock?
We anchored in the bay which Alan Lucas recommends and it was a lovely afternoon. 

Then things changed.  The swell and the wind got up and we rocked and rolled yet again for another night.  If it was only an even rock, it would be great.  It rocks nicely and you are nearly asleep, and wham bang you get a big rough roll.  So you settle and start again.  Ah well, we can sleep all day if we really want lol.

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