Thursday, May 17, 2012

16 May 2012 - Big Woody Island (Fraser) to Bundaberg

Wow, what a magic day.

The forecast finally came true - southerly.  We did over 6.5 knots average and even got up to 10 K.  First time windChalmer has got up to that speed.

The miles just flew past and we were entering the Burnett River at Bundaberg at 1400 hours.  Great.

Saw a poor little lorikeet which looked like he was lost.  Told him to take a ride with us but he flapped on madly.  Ian saw a huge turtle - at least 4 feet across the back.

Bundaberg Marina:  When we stopped at the marina to get fuel and water she mentioned that we would be charged 10 c a litre less and no charge for water if we stayed in a pen.  It worked out to be $12 for a pen for the night with discounts for petrol and water!!

Best decision, so we showered, charged the laptop, did washing including sheets, which is the hardest job while sailing.  You don't want to wash clothes at sea as you may run out of fresh water.

I emailed Kerry McGinnis the author of Pieces of Blue and Heart Country as soon as we got in and 20 minutes later she rang and said she would love to meet us.  Fantastic.

We then decided that we had better do some shopping.  IGA (down the road, 10 mins away had a courtesy bus), so we rang them to find they couldn't run a bus after 5 pm due to staff shortages.

Off we went walking after phoning for directions.  10 mins my hat!!  We were out in the boondocks, dark as dark with some lights way down the way.  Phoned IGA again and kept going - then a car turned up, it was the manager, was sorry for us and came to get us!!

Took our six bags of shopping into the pub, as they told us if we had a drink there they were take us home.  By then we decided that a pub meal looked inviting, so we ordered and then ate fast as the next bus left at 8 pm.  Rats, someone else from the Bundaberg Marina then turned up, so they told us they would take us all home together.  I played games on my phone and tried to get Ian to get into it, as he was falling asleep in his chair!!

Great Sandy Straits - Freighter Wreck
Finally got back to windChalmer by 9 pm and fell into bed.  Very quiet lovely marina.

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