Tuesday, May 22, 2012

20 May - Pancake Creek to Cape Capricorn

Cape Capricorn - we anchored here.  Alan Lucas said it was a surprisingly good anchorage - well we rocked and rolled all night.  The wind roared down from the lighthouse - see next pic.

This photo is for Sophie and Gary - how do you like the position of this lighthouse?  Or have you already holidayed here.  See photo of the back of this Cape - tram up to the top.

Reckon the wind near this lighthouse would blow the toupee off anyone who didn't use superglue
Well, we didn't get to see much of Pancake Creek.  As we wend our way south in October or November we can see more of the areas we liked.

We anchored reasonably close to the mouth, so after our coffees and oat porridge - (I also make sandwiches the night before as if it is rough we can get something to eat without pulling everything out of the fridge or cupboard. )  Up the main and poled out the headsail, and off to achieve 47 miles.

We had a scare today, as a fishing boat was on a collision course with us and came far to close for comfort.

Gladstone outer harbour looks like Newcastle with all the ships being piloted in and out.  The Pilots are popped onto the ships by a very tiny helicopter.

Cape Capricorn looked great when we arrived at about 3 pm, however she soon demonstrated how things really were.  The wind whistled down from the cape - large mountain and the swell built up, so another rock and rolly night.

Poled out Headsail

Are we having fun yet?

Poled out and flying
We anchored right below this lighthouse - see the tram track going up the hill to take supplies?  These days no one lives here and a fast catamaran comes out to service the light.      

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