Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2 May 2012 - Camden Haven to north, maybe even Coffs Harbour

Hello everyone
Here I am sitting in bed in the captain's cabin beam of Port Macquarie writing this up.  We left at 5.45 am this morning as it is about 50 nautical miles to Trial Bay.  We can't seem to get a good wind.  It is lovely and relaxing just rock n rolling along at 3-4 knots but will take forever to get to QLD.  Ian thinks we will do an overnight sail tonight, as its moonlight and light winds and may not scare his novice crew too much.

I have been back in bed, after getting up to see us over the Camden Bar and take some photos of the sunrise.  Been reading Colin Thiele's book - Sun on the Stubble.  Good romp back into the past.  Colin came to Craigmore High School when I was teaching there and gave a talk to our students.  He was very inspiring, it was just as his Storm Boy was being made into a movie.

We had a great day yesterday.  Stayed in Camden Haven while Warren caught up with his half brother Ray.  I knitted, cleaned, cooked, fished and generally relaxed.  Young Sebastian may get his cardigan before winter and hopefully it won't be miles too big like the one I made for Hamish.  Hamish will probably wear it when he is five!

The guys are enjoying pottering around doing a few jobs here and there and watching the world go by. 

Its lovely sailing up the coast and watching the headlands move past.  The chart plotter is magic.  You can see where we are and work out how far to the next headland plus 100's of other features.  Not fun when you are in really rough weather as you watch the boat being turned this way and that. 

Hope you have a happy day rocking ' rolling too.

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