Thursday, July 5, 2012

Boats either anchored near us or moving by

Ian doesn't even have to travel these days to indulge in boat watching.

Sitting in our cockpit we can see:

Mono hulls of every description - ketches, sloops, cutters, luggers, schooners, yawls, three masted schooners, brigantine - you name it, it is here.

There is a 120 foot cutter in the marina which is royal blue and white and absolutely shines!!  As the Americans would say, it ooozes southern money or the Brits would say - it oozes old money.  At night there is a light on each of the four spreaders - lit up like a Christmas tree. 

Catamarans of every size - power catamarans and sailing catamarans.  One very, very huge one is PURPLE. 

Trimarans - one very, very huge white one, among the others.

Rubber duckies - as well as the usual ones - there are really huge ones with WAVE RAFTING on the side - takes tourists out for the day.  There usually leave at about 8.30 am and arrive back here at sunset.

Dragon boat racing, wind sailing, parasailing.

As well as this a Tiger Moth plane does his acrobats right over our heads each day.

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