Friday, October 3, 2014

Vancouver in Canada

17 July – Honolulu to Vancouver via Canada Air
Arrived early morning and met up with Dave and Sue our friends from home, at the airport.  We caught a taxi out to Lavender House B&B at New Westminister.  Just lovely, very good setup for six of us as Faye joined us here.  Close to a wonderful fruit shop – blue berries amazingly cheap.  Supermarket down the road and great park.  We caught the train to various areas for walking and viewing.  Caught the ferry out to Vancouver Island – Buchart Gardens are amazing.  Sure they would be in the top three gardens of the world.  Victoria, the Capital, on Vancouver Island is a remarkable city – must stay there next time.

Float Plane City, well we thought that until we found more in Alaska.  Wanted to go for a fly but time didn't permit.

Ah inspiration, when I am home am going to do flowers like this.

Even flowers in Houseboat.  Inspirational

Not a shed on stilts, its a Sculpture

Capilano - not just a swing bridge, but a series of adventure bridges (even people with crutches were walking it - being bounced around)

 Isn't fun, fun?  Good company makes all the different, especially when life just radiates from their faces.

Up, up and away

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