Monday, August 13, 2012

3 August 2012 - Shaw Island to Newry on Mainland

We have now left the Whitsundays and are heading home.  Everyone has told us that we are going at the wrong time and won't get winds in the right direction. So we know our motor is going to get a workout.

I know that I have always loved the Family Planning motto:

Hope is not a method :)

Sailing has a lot to do with hope re the weather.  And listening to the weather reports each night.

Up anchored at 0645 from Shaw Island again to catch the tide which would add one to two knots to our speed.    We motored all the way with tides enabling us well.  So it was well worth the early start. 

Arrived at Outer Newry Island, just off the QLD coast at 1030.  Very pretty area.  An excellent beach at an abandoned resort which the National Parks now maintains for camping holidays. 

Pretty Outer Newry Island - anchored with one other yacht.  We saw no signs of life whatsoever on this other yacht!!  Bit eerie. Very quiet anchor, wouldn't know you were on a yacht.  More like a marina tie up.

What would you name this island?  Well it is called Wedding Cake Is!

Looking at our anchorage from the Newry Island, off the mainland. 

Ian walking on beach Newry Island

Wow, what an interesting rock on the beach at Newry Island.

Posing for a pic LOL

Said we wouldn't take anymore sunset photos, but the colours really get us in.

Coming into Newry from Shaw Island - great views of distant peaks.

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