Monday, June 25, 2012

22 June to ?? Imprisoned by the weather

QLD -  windy one day, wet the next.  But we got it all from Friday when we sailed up to Shaw Island and it is still horrid weather.  The sun has made brief appearances, with the rain and winds winning the contest.

We are still at Shaw Island, yes really lovely, but we are over the weather - trying to be very stoic about the weather.  Arrived here on Friday and it has rained and high winds ever since, however it is amazing that  the bay is quite calm and we can get reasonable sleep, although Ian gets up to check that the anchor hasn't moved.  We haven't had an anchor move once, however at Thomas Island the chain got wrapped around a coral bombie and when we got a bit of a swell the boat lurched and woke us up every now and then, especially the crunky noises of steel on coral.  Ian got up a couple of times and fixed it, but it kept wrapping again.

I am sleeping with ear plugs, and a pillow over my head to keep out the wind noise!!

The weather isn't clearing until Wed or Thursday so we are reading, sleeping, cooking (loaf of bread and mornay) and wonderful, I can get on the net!!

Would be lovely to be able to go off to the knitting club and just talk, but knitting has been really great.  Entertained me and keep me focused.

Ian really did look like the old man from the sea when Jo and Ross were up here - we forget to bring the hair clippers, so grabbed another set from BIGW at Mackay - went by bus from the Marina.  The clippers were $18 and a haircut $25!!  So I clipped his hair while he sat on a jetty at the Marina - he  probably has some rolly areas.

Two big catamarans have arrived to anchor here - they love us, anchor near us, although there is a huge huge bay here!!  One of the other yachts dragged their anchor yesterday through the night, when we woke at about five, they were heading for some shoals in the middle of the bay.  We called them on the radio and next saw someone come out and start the engine and get their anchor off.  We didn't want to make a big deal of it, but they are fine, anchored further down now. 

We were going to go to Whitehaven beach and then Tongue and Apostle Bay and around to Hook Island, but weather horrid, so will stay here, safe and warm (only running out milk so we may have to resort to having cream in our coffee!!) - good job that I shopped enough to take us to South America!  Well 10 kg bag of rice and a few bags of different lentils always goes a long way!!

Our English Friends have sailed north.  Just got an email from them, they are at Lizard Island north of Cairns and are waiting there for the strong winds to subside before heading off for Darwin.

Kent got us an inverter, so am all  powered up and can email whenever we have reception.  There are no lights on at all at the Club Med Lindeman Resort - 2.5 miles across the bay so wonder if they have closed? 

Midgee has a new home, Ryan says that the 'perfect couple' about our age from Tamworth came and got her this week.  She was queen of the back seat and they loved her.  So it is the best solution, although Ian and I had a very sad day.  Should not have got her - irresponsible me.  We have had quite a few days where we haven't been able to get off the boat for 5 days or more, so it would not be the best life for her.  (Just in case you missed what happened to Midgee -   Leona came up to Port Stephens and took her home to Ryan and Nerrine.  We realised that we couldn't do this to her, she had too much energy to be a quiet boat dog.  Also, it was like giving Ryan and Nerrine another child, so not fair. )

We are off to Airlie Beach this weekend to take our friends, Pat and Chris on a weekend sail.  Weather forecast is good, so hope this works out.  

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