Friday, June 29, 2012

Shaw Island to CID Harbour and Airlie Beach

We finally got a wonderful, warm, sunny afternoon (although all the mist was beautiful).  So out came the ever useful RIB to take us ashore through the fringing reefs to a most beautiful beach.  This beach was composed of tiny round shells with holes in the middle.  As if an exotic princess had lost her tons of shell necklaces. 

Was very exciting as a mid sized brownish tan turtle came swimming into the tidal creek and we followed his progress very quietly, watching him swim around looking for a feed I guess.  What do turtles eat?  Must find out.

Sting rays are prolific up here so a couple rushed off when we boated over them and then we found one leisurely swimming along the beach with his six foot tail behind him.  He looked great boating along flipping up his side pieces in a pretty rolling action.

Two thickknees - birds were entertaining us further along, so we didn't go right up to the corner of the beach, as we felt they should claim some territory without us invading.

Ian saw a blue, grey blue, shovelled nosed shark which was about four feet long. 

Of course Ian went back to his SA roots and really wanted to get the garfish which were playing around.  We will have to work on this.

Sailing into CID harbour was just outstanding, had a really good sail up.  The swells are small and winds high so we were doing about 6 or 7 knots but very quietly!!  Got rolly just about 2 pm when we came into the harbour, most other boats came in with engines going, however we find that if you leave at least one sail up it balances the boat and is much more comfortable. 

So we sailed in with mainsail and headsail up - will put pics on - most beautiful area.  CID harbour would have to be the prettiest so far.  Don't I say that about every new one LOL!

A nice comfortable night (wind in the stays, but quiet on the waves - lovely).  Then off to the Able Point Marina at Airlie Beach.  The most expensive rates yet, but guess we hadn't paid anything out for two weeks!!   Apart from the phone bills etc going on to the card - but we have very reasonable rates.

Monday, June 25, 2012

22 June to ?? Imprisoned by the weather

QLD -  windy one day, wet the next.  But we got it all from Friday when we sailed up to Shaw Island and it is still horrid weather.  The sun has made brief appearances, with the rain and winds winning the contest.

We are still at Shaw Island, yes really lovely, but we are over the weather - trying to be very stoic about the weather.  Arrived here on Friday and it has rained and high winds ever since, however it is amazing that  the bay is quite calm and we can get reasonable sleep, although Ian gets up to check that the anchor hasn't moved.  We haven't had an anchor move once, however at Thomas Island the chain got wrapped around a coral bombie and when we got a bit of a swell the boat lurched and woke us up every now and then, especially the crunky noises of steel on coral.  Ian got up a couple of times and fixed it, but it kept wrapping again.

I am sleeping with ear plugs, and a pillow over my head to keep out the wind noise!!

The weather isn't clearing until Wed or Thursday so we are reading, sleeping, cooking (loaf of bread and mornay) and wonderful, I can get on the net!!

Would be lovely to be able to go off to the knitting club and just talk, but knitting has been really great.  Entertained me and keep me focused.

Ian really did look like the old man from the sea when Jo and Ross were up here - we forget to bring the hair clippers, so grabbed another set from BIGW at Mackay - went by bus from the Marina.  The clippers were $18 and a haircut $25!!  So I clipped his hair while he sat on a jetty at the Marina - he  probably has some rolly areas.

Two big catamarans have arrived to anchor here - they love us, anchor near us, although there is a huge huge bay here!!  One of the other yachts dragged their anchor yesterday through the night, when we woke at about five, they were heading for some shoals in the middle of the bay.  We called them on the radio and next saw someone come out and start the engine and get their anchor off.  We didn't want to make a big deal of it, but they are fine, anchored further down now. 

We were going to go to Whitehaven beach and then Tongue and Apostle Bay and around to Hook Island, but weather horrid, so will stay here, safe and warm (only running out milk so we may have to resort to having cream in our coffee!!) - good job that I shopped enough to take us to South America!  Well 10 kg bag of rice and a few bags of different lentils always goes a long way!!

Our English Friends have sailed north.  Just got an email from them, they are at Lizard Island north of Cairns and are waiting there for the strong winds to subside before heading off for Darwin.

Kent got us an inverter, so am all  powered up and can email whenever we have reception.  There are no lights on at all at the Club Med Lindeman Resort - 2.5 miles across the bay so wonder if they have closed? 

Midgee has a new home, Ryan says that the 'perfect couple' about our age from Tamworth came and got her this week.  She was queen of the back seat and they loved her.  So it is the best solution, although Ian and I had a very sad day.  Should not have got her - irresponsible me.  We have had quite a few days where we haven't been able to get off the boat for 5 days or more, so it would not be the best life for her.  (Just in case you missed what happened to Midgee -   Leona came up to Port Stephens and took her home to Ryan and Nerrine.  We realised that we couldn't do this to her, she had too much energy to be a quiet boat dog.  Also, it was like giving Ryan and Nerrine another child, so not fair. )

We are off to Airlie Beach this weekend to take our friends, Pat and Chris on a weekend sail.  Weather forecast is good, so hope this works out.  

Friday, June 22, 2012

Photos of Thomas Island - very pretty

Looking out to sea from Thomas Island - one of the prettiest anchorages

Lovely beach at Thomas - quite good shells on the beach

Coral Reef right around here - careful anchoring is imperative!

So many garfish playing in here, but they would not be caught - also turtles popped their heads up while fishing.  Lovely to see  them.

The island views go on forever

Sailing up to Thomas, great for an hour, then rolly for an hour, however only two hour sailing so was lovely.

Photos of Scawfell and Brampton

Some photos of Brampton (with Ian's photos of sunsets on Scawfell)
Ian took these sunset photos at Scawfell Island - amazing how many we have now

Loved this one - Ian took it of a clam shell enclosed in coral - looks like a face

Brampton Island seagull loved our RIB

Brampton Island sunset

QLD - Raining one day, windy the next - has been pretty good, but not warm enough for swimming generally.

13 June to to 22 June - Mackay to Lindeman Island

13, 14 and 15 June

Robyn flew back to Mackay and managed to contact Ian who had been out fishing and playing at Scawfell Island – 26 miles north east of Mackay.  No phone reception out there.  Our neighbour’s son Adam was travelling up to Mackay for his grandfather’s funeral on the same plane.  Was lovely to catch up with our neighbours on Friday the 14th – they came out to the marina at Mackay and spent most of the day with us.  

Spent Friday afternoon with our heads into our maps and two great books:

Cruising the Coral Coast by Alan Lucas and
100 Magic Miles of the Great Barrier Reef by David Colfelt.

Wonderful to be able to read up about which islands offer good anchorages and scenery etc.

16 June saw us heading out of Mackay Marina at 9.30 am bound for Brampton Island which was 20 miles NNE.  Was a magic sailing day – just enough wind to get over 4 knots, a little rolly but beautiful, we anchored at about 2.30 pm alongside Brampton Island. 

Brampton has a deserted tourist resort which has a caretaker and we are not allowed in it.  There are good National Park walking tracks, but you have to scout around to find them as the beach near the tracks are very rocky.  We pulled the RIB up on the beach near the resort and then went scouting for the National Park Walks.  

Ian and I went fishing in the RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat)  around the reef and caught quite a few Tusk Fish – all the fish up here seem to be brightly coloured.   We were very good and threw them back in as they were short of the 30 cm required. 

Brampton was a lovely anchorage, very comfortable, good for sleeping.  Views amazing – we have so many wonderful sunset photos now.  So many that we keep saying we won’t take any more, but then you can’t resist and away goes the shutter bugs yet again.

Quiet and relaxing walk around the beaches and near the National Park camping area – interesting things in the low tides, anemones etc.  Tides dictate when you can get back to the boat, had to wait a couple of hours.  Quiet and comfortable anchorage here.

Worst thing is that mobile phone reception out here is non-existent, so cannot keep in contact with family and friends.   As we get closer to Hamilton and Lindeman Island we hope that this will change.

Monday, 18 June 2012
Anchor up and gone at 8.30 despite the weather report of 15 to 25 knot winds which seem to keep others in the bay.  Guess this weather is tough on the motor cruisers.  We had a very lively sail, reef in the mail sail and jib up front to balance the boat, scooted along at 7 to 8 knots for about an hour.   Anchored off Goldsmith Island behind Farrier Island by 11.30 am. 

Love the sails up here as you can see the island you are heading for before you leave your anchorage.  

The winds stayed up to 20-25 knots all morning and most of the afternoon which was a little rolly in the bay, however forecast was for 10 to 15 for the evening and yeah – it was exactly what we got, so great sleep last night in very quiet conditions.  

We are staying here for two nights – which we think we will do for most of the rest of our stay unless we get good fishing conditions.   Forecast today is same as yesterday, so this morning we are gently rolling around and hopefully it will again quieten down this afternoon, so we can fish the reef.

Dolphins were fishing the reef right near us, also am sure I saw the black tip of a reef shark.   Turtles pop their heads up here and there and also lots of birds, ospreys etc. 

We had a great chat with a couple we met at Brampton who have a little rough coated Jack Russell.  Although they really enjoy him, they say they wouldn’t bring a dog again.  They fished with good success for dinner last  night.  We only mananged to get entrĂ©e – one rock cod.  Very pretty brown and white.

Wednesday 20 June – Thomas Island
Possibly the prettiest of all the islands.  We anchored here all by ourselves, dropped the RIB in and rambled around on shore on the beach and in the vegetation.  We tried to see if we could walk through to the other side of the island and I guess we could if we battled the bushes.  So ran around the beach instead.  

Anchoring near coral is always a worry and at 3 am our anchor was really straining, which alarmed us until we worked out that  the anchor  chain was probably caught in a bombie (coral formation) and really pulled at us now and then.  Ian went out and pulled up the chain as we always have heaps out and that solved the problem a bit.

Thursday – a yatch Sperenza (with Pattie and Keith) and also a motorized cat (3 people and dog) parked near us.  Had a lovely chat with Pattie and Keith who have been sailing the Whitsundays, originally from Canberra and Sydney , for THIRTEEN YEARS.  They gave us some good advice for anchorages as the wind is forecast to change from the 10 to 15 knots up to 25 until next Tuesday.

Well we caught enough Tusk Fish for dinner and also lunch on Friday.  The fish sure look different up here so a quick check of the fishing book is always important. The fish bones are a very pretty blue!

Friday 22 June – Shaw Island which is 2 miles from Hunter.  Love the short distances.
Shaw Island is a long, large island just off Lindeman Island.  Good anchorages in heavy winds so we sailed over.  Was like sailing in Lake Macquarie – nice lazy 5 knots and wow – back into reception.  I really miss not being about to contact family and friends.    As soon as Lindeman Island came into view messages came through our phones went off.  Great to let everyone know where we are after being off the radar for nearly a week.  

We may end up in Airlie Beach next weekend as Pat and Chris Frahm are coming sailing with us for a weekend – hope so.  They are great company and Chris knows the area well.   Ian and I are really enjoying the time together, however tis nice to add more personalities into the conversation.

It’s raining this afternoon, so Ian is asleep and I am attacking all our photos and trying to get them into some order.  Not sure if we have enough reception to get my blog updated and get the photos on.

Am in the cockpit opposite Lindeman Island, getting reception and writing up the blog - well I wrote it up as I went, just had to paste it in.  Great view from this office.

Now to see if I have enough reception to get some photos on.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Not posting at 4 am

Yes, I have been known to email, and work at 4 am but not now!!  No idea where Blogspot gets this time from?  Guess I need to fiddle lots more with this media.

22 June - I found the settings and have fixed the problem, so you don't need to worry that I am up all night on this blogspot LOL

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Photos of Greater Keppell, Yeppoon and Port Clinton

Great Keppell Island, lovely when we anchored, but a rock and rolly night.
Short, roughish ride into Yeppoon from Greater Keppell, then into a comfy, quiet Marina.  Yeppoon was a lovely, neatly kept, clean Marina.

When I'm Sixty Four

This is dedicated to all my classmates who are turning 64 this year - yes we know, David, Bruce, Lyn and Ken - your turn next year.  Who else?

I know that this song doesn't really apply, you are all amazingly resilient and not acting your age at all.

Fancy me taking up sailing at 64?

When I'm Sixty Four - a Beetles Song

When I get older losing my hair
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a valentine
Birthday greetings, bottle of wine?
If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four?

You'll be older too
And if you say the word
I could stay with you

I could be handy, mending a fuse
When your lights have gone
You can knit a sweater by the fireside
Sunday mornings go for a ride
Doing the garden, digging the weeds
Who could ask for more?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four?

Every summer we can rent a cottage in the Isle of Wight
If it's not too dear
We shall scrimp and save
Grandchildren on your knee
Vera, Chuck & Dave

Send me a postcard, drop me a line
Stating point of view
Indicate precisely what you mean to say
Yours sincerely, wasting away
Give me your answer, fill in a form
Mine for evermore
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four?

What now? Our plans for the months to November

We are trying to come up with plans for our travel until November.  Of course, it will depend on the wind and the weather, so certainly not moulded in concrete.

We are off to Brampton Island on 16 June and will spend the rest of June and all of July in the Whitsundays or thereabouts.  Hoping to fill our freezer full of lovely fish, snorkle, explore, walk islands and just anchor for a week or more.

From Mackay we hope to visit, Airlie Beach, Lindeman Group, Port Newry, Brampton Island (no resort anymore), Goldsmith Islands.

AUGUST - start wending our way slowly back south, weather permitting.  Travel back to Bundaberg via Curlew and Percy Islands, Island Head Creek, Port Clinton (if the army are not playing in there), Yeppoon, perhaps Keppell Islands again.

Hope to see Kerry McGinnis in Bundaberg and also pick up my sister, Neroli.  Hope to sail Neroli through lots of whales in Hervey Bay, through the Great Sandy Straits,  to Tin Can Bay.

We also want to see Kay and Darryl W at either Susan or Mary Rivers.

MAROOCHYDORE:  see Kerry and Gary Hawkes.

SCARBOROUGH - stay a couple of nights in the Marina and see Lyn and Jim.  Lyn might sail to Brisbane with us?  This should be about the end of September.

BRISBANE:  want to see my mates from school and go fishing or sail with Al Palmer.  We are thinking of tying up at the pile berths in Brisbane River or the Manely Marina (

SOUTHPORT:  Bums Bay was great so want to stay there on the way south and hopefully see my cousins.

YAMBA, ILUKA AND CLARENCE RIVER:  Hope to be here last week of October and first week of November.

Then home :)

31 May to 13 June - Robyn back home, Ian trying to be a hermit

Robyn flew to Newcastle to see our new grandchildren and our older ones as well as family and friends.  Had a wonderful time visiting with the grandies.  New ones are very cute (of course) and the older ones are lots of fun.

Ian stayed in Mackay marina for a week doing some jobs on the boat - nothing major and nothing had gone wrong  - just catch up bits and pieces.

Week 2 - Ian sailed out to Scawfell Island - near St Bees and Keswick Islands - about 25 miles from Mackay.  Had a rough and rolly night for the first night and then it settled down.  He got the rubber ducky out and pottered around the reef.  A little too cool for swimming.

Ian met a couple from Western Australia who have been working and sailing around Australia - South Australia, Tasmania and now to the Whitsundays.  We will probably bump into them again.    Cat and dog on board as well.

Our next door neighbours are  in Mackay at the moment, for a funeral,  so Robyn was on same flight as  their son, Adam on the plane from Newcastle to Brisbane and then onto Mackay.  Nice to meet your neighbours at the airport and they are coming out for a cuppa on windChalmer Friday - 15 June.

Hopefully, Adam will sail with us sometime.