Friday, April 27, 2012

26 April 2010 – Destination Port Stephens – 7.30 am

Well, the weather reporter did say that seas would be THREE metres, they were at least FOUR – talk about being in a washing machine.  I understand now why some people climb Mt Everest – always thought they were idiots. 

 Well we went up Mt Everest every few minutes then down into the Grand Canyon the next minute.  Warren and I found it very tough, Ian wasn’t thrilled but very relaxed and calm and enjoyed himself, other than when we were helming and did the wrong thing.   Now that the adrenalin has left our bodies we feel like champions.

The Chart Plotter (GPS) is marvelous – great to see us getting closer to the destination even if we were screwing around everywhere most of the time.  I didn’t get sick – yeah!

Midgee being returned to windChalmer  after abandoning ship
We were anchored in Fame Cove (through the Port Stephens Heads at 1 pm) by 2.30.  Just as we were anchoring, Midgee decided to abandon ship.  Away she went swimming for shore – what a shock, a Catamaran coming in enjoyed the drama.   She had a nice swim and walk (probably in a National Park) and then the captain rowed her back – she is now sound asleep.
Think we might have a layover or not proceed until the swells die down a bit.  Haha
This was published while sailing from Fame Cove to Shoal Bay near Port Stephens.

1 comment:

  1. Its wonderful to be able to follow your adventures through this blog.

